“I remember when I was young, things were different. The world moved at a slower pace. Life was simple, and technology wasn’t really a thing. You went outside, worked in the fields, talked to your neighbors. That was life.

But now, everything is so fast. The world is different, and I’m not sure if it’s for the better. Everyone is always on their phones, looking at screens. They’re connected to people all around the world, but not to the ones in front of them. I don’t understand it.

Sometimes I feel like the world has passed me by. I don’t know how to use these new machines, these computers and phones. My children and grandchildren are always showing me how to do things, but I can’t keep up. I wonder if I have a place in this new world.

But then, I see the good that technology can do. My grandson showed me how he can video call his friend in America. They were laughing and joking like they were right next to each other. It’s amazing. And I see how the world is changing for the better. People can connect with each other in ways they never could before.

I might not understand it all, but I know that technology is here to stay. And even if I don’t know how to use it, I can still appreciate it. It’s a new world, and I might not have a place in it like I did before, but I can still find my own way.”

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