Raj and Simran are a young couple living in the heart of Amritsar, a bustling city in the northern Indian state of Punjab. They both grew up in close-knit families and have been together for five years. When approached by a passerby, they were happy to share their story and their dreams for the future.

Raj, a software engineer, dreams of starting his own tech company one day. He is passionate about creating innovative products that will change people’s lives for the better. “I want to create something that will make a real difference,” he says, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “Something that will help people, especially those in rural areas, have access to the latest technology.”

Simran, who is studying to become a doctor, shares Raj’s passion for helping others. “I want to work in a rural area where healthcare is limited,” she says. “I want to provide medical care to those who need it most.”

As a couple, Raj and Simran are committed to supporting each other’s goals and making them a reality. They talk about how they want to build a life together that is filled with love, happiness, and success. “We want to be financially stable, so we can support our families and give back to our community,” says Raj. “We want to travel the world and experience new things together.”

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